Dimensions of Health & Well-being
This report is divided into the following five dimensions of health and well-being that together play a significant role in a child's or youth’s life.
FIG C Dimensions of Health & Well-being
Physical health & well-being is more than the absence of disease. It includes having a healthy start (breastfeeding, immunizations, prenatal care, healthy body weights, healthy eating, accessible preventive dental care, prevention of substance use and sexually transmitted infections, healthy development, safe environments, and more.
Mental & emotional health & well-being refers to a range of personal characteristics, self-regulating abilities, capacity of connectedness, and freedom from anxiety and depression. It includes the presence of personal characteristics such as optimism, positive self-worth, emotional well-being and stability, and perceived safety and security.
Social relationships are key components of child and youth health and well-being. This includes relationships that are close, trusted, warm, caring, accepting, affirming, and reciprocal with parents, peers, teachers, coaches, and others.
Economic & material well-being is central to supporting healthy lifestyles needed for child and youth well-being. It includes access to nutritious food, adequate housing, and adequate household income and employment.
development refers to how children perceive, think about, and gain understanding of their world. Important aspects include the acquisition of age-appropriate reading, writing, and numeracy skills, as well as decision-making, critical thinking, problem-solving, and self-regulatory learning skills that prepare children and youth for healthy living and meaningful work in their adult years.
A dynamic balance among the dimensions will support children and youth to reach their potential for their own benefit and that of their community.1
TABLE A Dimensions and Indicators of Child and Youth Health & Well-being in BC
- Canadian Institute for Health Information. Child and youth health and well-being indicators project: CIHI and B.C. PHO joint summary report. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Institute for Health Information; 2013 Feb.